Here you will find all the rules.
Official website: http://lashglobal.com
Registration form: https://goo.gl/forms/gQcf6ua7Xnr7OJxG2
Price options: take a look here
Championship rules:
▶ The Organizer provides a couch, a working chair, a cabinet or chair for materials, one for each two participants, a “double” Glamcor Elite-2 lamp, one lamp for 2 participants, a power source (US plug, 110 V), disposable sheets, and caps for models if necessary. Participants must supply their own tools and supplies, as well as a pillow and a blanket for the model. They can also take and use their lamp if it can fit. Participants must also have one or two additional pairs of eye patches and brushes for each model for the jury
▶ The contestant must bring their model, different for each live category. All models must be at least 16 years old. The Organizer does not provide models for the championship! For technical categories, models with thick eyelashes are recommended. For creative categories, model looks and experience with being on the stage is preferable
▶ Participants must present themselves one hour before registration in accordance with the schedule of categories in which the participant competes. From there participants should proceed to the registration table where both the contestant and the model will receive a registered participant badge
▶ All participants and models must wear a badge during the event
▶ Before the start of the championship, the model should get her photo taken by the photographer provided by the event
▶ Before the start of the competition, Participants may seat on the couches and prepare for the competition, i.e. adjust the lamp, prepare the materials. Participants must perform any other preparation strictly within the time allotted for the competition
▶ The Organizer does not check the eyelashes of the models. By default, all models are considered to have average lashes. If in your opinion there are any features the organizers should pay attention to, you can call and notify the assistant before the start of the competition. Then these features will be taken into account. The presence of eyelash extensions on the model before the competition is strictly forbidden (exception: fantasy lash art nomination)!
▶ The Organizer announces starting and finishing time. The Participant may use a timer to manage the allotted time
▶ Participants must not start working before the signal to start the competition. If this condition is broken, the participant will be penalized (-15 points). During the competition, all participants are expected to follow the competition leader’s instructions
▶ Participants and models may leave the workplace to visit washroom during the contest after having notified an assistant
▶ For assistance with any difficulties the participant can request help from the assistants present on site
▶ Trimming or partially removing the lashes is prohibited
▶ All participants must stop working immediately after the signal to stop has sounded. They should leave the working area within 5-10 minutes even if they participate in the next category and await further instructions
▶ After the judges have assessed the work, all models must have their photo taken by the on-site photographer
▶ The model must not give either first or last name of her lash master to the judges
▶ Only accredited reporters and photographers approved by the Organizer may do photo and video shooting in the competition zone. Any questions about photos and videos should be directed at the Organizer at info@angelwingsbeauty.ca
▶ All the work will be judged following the expert level quality requirements
▶ Judges only assess the finished work. The decision of the judges is final and not subject to review or appeal
▶ If the participant is not present at the awards ceremony on the second day of the championship, they will be required to pay for the delivery of their prizes. The exception are online Fantasy lash art participants. If the participant wants another person to pick up the prize on participant’s behalf, they must show a government-issued piece of ID with photo and a letter of authorization signed by the participant
▶ The Award ceremony is formal this time, so please, make sure you’re dressed ready for an evening and shampain
▶ The organizers reserve the right to amend or modify these rules at any time
MAY 18 – Lash Global Conference
Timetable for the conference is not set yet
MAY 19 – Lash Global Championship
- 09.00-12.30 3-5D (30 min register + 3 hrs)
- 12.30-15.00 Classic (30 min register + 2,5 hrs), Lash Art live team can start working
- 14.30-17.00 Lash Art showcase, topic: Elemental Creature (out of contest)
- 17.15-18.00 Checking final scores and preparation for the awards ceremony
- 18.30-20.00 Award Ceremony
- Classic
- 3-5D
- Lash Lift
- J-lash design
- Lash Art, topic: Elemental Creature (submissions are opened until April, 30)
MAY 20 – Lash Global Workshops
– Ellie Malmin: In-depth case of basic sensitive eye conditions, Pre & Post eye care
– Jill Heijligers-Peloquin: Beauty business workshop
– Inga Misute: Ombre lashes in practice
– Mimmi ebbersten: TBD
… and more to go!
Please check the actual pricing here: https://angelwingsbeauty.ca/lashglobalchampionshipregistration/
The workshops and price will be added later as soon as the specialists will provide the info
Discounts are only applicable to the payments made during the discount period!
Discount codes are applicable to a single purchase unless stated otherwise!
All payments made are non-refundable under any circumstances!
Eyelash extensions must be performed on both eyes and only within the competition area
The Participant chooses the length, curve, thickness, and manufacturer of the lash extensions
The colour of lash extensions can be either black or brown
The glue must be black only. Picking their preferred manufacturer and consistency is up to the Participant
The Participant may choose the aesthetic effect (i.e. cat eye, doll, etc.) at their own discretion
In this category, the natural look of the lash extensions is taken into account
The use of strip eyelashes or pre-made fans is strictly forbidden
- General impression (0-10 points)
- Effect (0-10 points)
- Symmetry (0-10 points)
- Smoothness (0-10 points)
- Cleanliness (0-10 points)
- Length (0-10 points)
- Curl (0-10 points)
- Thickness (0-10 points)
- Color (0-10 points)
- Direction (0-10 points)
- Distance from the lid (0-10 points)
- Contact surface (0-10 points)
- Inner corners (0-10 points)
- Outer corners (0-10 points)
- Coverage (0-10 points, percent-wise)
- Stickies (-1 point each)
- Dropped lashes (-1 point each)
- Fan quality (0-10 points) – not used for classic
All photos must be clear and it’s recommended they are made by a professional photographer. Poor quality photos will not be accepted for the competition because it will be impossible to determine the quality of the work performed
Eyelash extensions must be performed on both eyes and specially for this category
The Participant chooses the length, curve, thickness, and manufacturer of the lash extensions
The color of lash extensions can be either black or brown
The glue must be black only. Picking their preferred manufacturer and consistency is up to the Participant
The Participant may choose the aesthetic effect (i.e. cat eye, doll, etc.) at their own discretion
In this category, the natural look of the lash extensions is taken into account
The use of strip eyelashes or pre-made fans is strictly forbidden
The Participant needs to submit minimum of 8, maximum of 10 photos that contain:
- a picture of your model’s both eyes before the set with white clear eye-patches or any other isolation applied, no lash maps on patches allowed on photo
- a picture of your model (full head, may include shoulders) facing the camera directly with her eyes closed, so the natural lashes bases, inner and outer corners are clearly seen
- a picture of your model (full head, may include shoulders) facing the camera directly with her eyes opened, looking up so the natural lashes bases, inner and outer corners are clearly seen
- a picture of your model (full head, may include shoulders) facing the camera directly with her eyes opened, looking straight
- a close up pictures of your model’s right eye closed and opened, the natural lashes bases, inner and outer corners need to be clearly seen
- a close up pictures of your model’s left eye closed and opened, the natural lashes bases, inner and outer corners need to be clearly seen
- The Participant needs to send all the photos to our email info@angelwingsbeauty.ca with a topic “LGE Online Newcomer: [your category]” no later then April 30, 2019
In case there are over 10 photos sent only the first 10 photos sorted by the name of your files will go to the contest
Any digital retouching for competition photos is forbidden and will lead to disqualification
You can send the retouched photos in a separate email with a mark “off-contest”. This photos may be used for publishing in Lash Global Magazine
The use of not your work or publishing of your photos before the final results will lead to an immediate disqualification!
All pictures with ready extensions should not contain eye patches or any lash maps
- General impression (0-10 points)
- Effect (0-10 points)
- Symmetry (0-10 points)
- Smoothness (0-10 points)
- Cleanliness (0-10 points)
- Length (0-10 points)
- Curl (0-10 points)
- Thickness (0-10 points)
- Color (0-10 points)
- Direction (0-10 points)
- Distance from the lid (0-10 points)
- Contact surface (0-10 points)
- Inner corners (0-10 points)
- Outer corners (0-10 points)
- Coverage (0-10 points, percent-wise)
- Fan quality (0-10 points) – not used for classic
A team of up to four people (e.g. a lash artist, a make-up artist, a hairdresser and a stylist) can participate in the Fantasy Lash Art category
The task is to create an image of a Elemental character complete with sophisticated lash-extension decoration
The model can have their basic eyelash extension done beforehand. Lash artists is free to choose any type of lash extensions, but for convenient decoration application volume extension is recommended
The team may have the costume, hairstyle, and make-up done beforehand
All decoration on the eye zone (from nose tip to forehead) must not present and can be applied only when the category starts
Full or partial decoration of the eyelashes before the competition is prohibited
The costume should be designed in advance. The model can arrive fully outfitted or put the costume on before the contest. We encourage the use of accessories!
Any materials that cannot cause harm to the model may be used for decoration. For instance, color lashes, rhinestones, feathers, stardust, caviar, etc. The use of strip eyelashes and pre-made fans is allowed on the lower eyelid and as a part of decoration only!
The team may help the lash artist in finishing the image during the contest
Reproducing the images previously used at similar events is prohibited. In case of non-compliance with this requirement, the team will be disqualified
Nudity is not allowed. For more information, please, contact the organizer
At the end of the competition all models must be photographed, then do the catwalk while the music is playing, and then pass consequent refereeing
Music for Lash Art image presentation should be sent to the Organizers from Participant in advance. Music length should be from 20 to 40 seconds
A team of up to four people (e.g. a lash artist, a make-up artist, a hairdresser and a stylist) can participate in the Fantasy Lash Art category
The task is to create an image of a character on the topic of Elemental creature, it has to be complete with sophisticated lash-extension decoration. There’s only one model from one participant is allowed
Lash artists is free to choose any type of lash extensions, but for convenient decoration application volume extension is recommended
Any materials that cannot cause harm to the model may be used for decoration. For instance, color lashes, rhinestones, feathers, stardust, caviar, etc. The use of strip eyelashes and pre-made fans is allowed on the lower eyelid and as a part of decoration only!
Reproducing or using the ready the images previously used at similar events is prohibited. In case of non-compliance with this requirement, the team will be disqualified
Nudity is not allowed. For more information, please, contact the organizer
Photos must be clear and better made by a professional photographer. Poor quality photos will not be accepted for the competition because it will be impossible to determine the quality of the work performed
The Participant needs to submit minimum of 7, maximum of 10 photos that contain:
- a full-size photo of your model
- a portrait of your model with all upper part of her torso
- a portrait of your model (full head, may include shoulders) facing the camera directly with her eyes closed, so all the decoration on top is clearly seen
- a portrait of your model (full head, may include shoulders) facing the camera directly with her eyes opened, so all the decoration on the bottom is clearly seen
- a portrait of your model (full head, may include shoulders) facing the camera directly with her eyes opened, looking straight
- a close up pictures of your model’s eyes closed and opened, all decoration need to be clearly seen
- The Participant needs to send all the photos to our email info@angelwingsbeauty.ca with a topic “LGE Online Newcomer: [your category]” no later then April 30, 2019
- In case there are over 10 photos sent only the first 10 photos sorted by the name of your files will go to the contest
- For competitive photos, any retouching is prohibited
- All participants’ photos will be posted in the upcoming issue of Lash Global magazine. You can send copies of your photos, retouched in any graphic editor at your discretion to our email with the topic “off-contest”
- General impression (0-10 points)
- Cleanliness (0-10 points)
- Technique (0-10 points)
- Lash coloring (0-10 points)
- Bottom lashes (0-10 points)
- Complexcity of eyelash decoration (0-10 points)
- Complexcity of eye area decoration (0-10 points)
- Makeup (0-10 points)
- Hair styling (0-10 points)
- Costume (0-10 points)
- Accessories (0-10 points)
- Originality of the image created (0-10 points)
- Integrity of the image created (0-10 points)
The participant has to send the ready decoration on practice lashes in a tray to us no later then until April 30, 2019.
No pre-made fans are allowed! The more complicated the design – the better.
The work has to fit the general lash tray (about 11.5cm x 6cm x 1.5cm). If there are any brand marks on the tray you have to stick there a piece of white paper to cover any brand marks.
The work has to be made exclusively for our championship 2019.
Please notify us with a tracking No to info@angelwingsbeauty.ca otherwise we will not be able to accept your work! The work has to be sent WITH A TRACKING before April 30 so it arrives May 15 the latest to the following address:
Hanna Babanakava
PO box 53501 Norgate
Saint-Laurent QC Canada
H4L 5J9
The works become the property of Angel Wings and is not sent back to participants. By sending the work you agree that we may use it in marketing or educational purposes.
- General impression (0-10 points)
- Cleanliness (0-10 points)
- Technique (0-10 points)
- Lash coloring (0-10 points)
- Complexcity of styling (0-10 points)
- Complexcity of decoration (0-10 points)
- Quantity of decoration elements (0-10 points)
- Originality and innovation (0-10 points)
Lash lift must be performed on both eyes and only within the competition area
The Participant chooses the supply brand to use
In this category, the natural look of the lash extensions is taken into account
All photos must be clear and it’s recommended they are made by a professional photographer. Poor quality photos will not be accepted for the competition because it will be impossible to determine the quality of the work performed
Lash lift must be performed on both eyes and specially for this category
The Participant chooses the supply brand to use
The Participant needs to submit minimum of 8, maximum of 10 photos that contain:
- a picture of your model’s both eyes before the set with white clear eye-patches or any other isolation applied
- a picture of your model (full head, may include shoulders) facing the camera directly with her eyes closed, so the natural lashes bases, inner and outer corners are clearly seen
- a picture of your model (full head, may include shoulders) facing the camera directly with her eyes opened, looking up so the natural lashes bases, inner and outer corners are clearly seen
- a picture of your model (full head, may include shoulders) facing the camera directly with her eyes opened, looking straight
- a close up pictures of your model’s right eye closed and opened, the natural lashes bases, inner and outer corners need to be clearly seen
- a close up pictures of your model’s left eye closed and opened, the natural lashes bases, inner and outer corners need to be clearly seen
- The Participant needs to send all the photos to our email info@angelwingsbeauty.ca with a topic “LGE Online Newcomer: [your category]” no later then April 30, 2019
In case there are over 10 photos sent only the first 10 photos sorted by the name of your files will go to the contest
Any digital retouching for competition photos is forbidden and will lead to disqualification
You can send the retouched photos in a separate email with a mark “off-contest”. This photos may be used for publishing in Lash Global Magazine
The use of not your work or publishing of your photos before the final results will lead to an immediate disqualification!
All pictures with ready lash lift should not contain eye patches or any used supply remainders
- General impression (0-10 points)
- Cleanliness (0-10 points)
- Evenness (0-10 points)
- Symmetry (0-10 points)
- Direction (0-10 points)
- Lash tinting (0-10 points)
- Curl choice (0-10 points)
- No red eyes – max points (0-10 points)
- No bended lashes (0-10 points)
- No broken off lashes (0-10 points)
The participant can be disqualified for any of the reasons listed bellow:
- Taking of prohibited actions mentioned in current rules mentioned above
- Using of prohibited tools or supplies mentioned in current rules
- Providing incorrect information in the registration form
- Unacceptable behavior in the competition area and/or event hall
- Continuing to work after the signal to finish has been sounded
- Leaving the competition area without advising the assistant while the competition is taking place
The jury identifies the winners according to the scoring system in the Automated Lash Championship Program
The participants who scored the maximum number of points win the category
There are First, Second and Third prize places in each category
Prize winners (1-2-3 places) get personalized diplomas, championship cups and presents