Preparing to a championship eyelash extension training course / Préparation à un championnat Pose des cils formation
Preparing to a championship eyelash extension training course / Préparation à un championnat Pose des cils formation

Here is the main outline of this course:

1) What the experience groups are, and how many people compete for each prize-winning place and what awaits you at live or online championship
2) How the winner is determined, and what points are given and deducted for in each type of extension
3) How to prepare for the championship technically, creatively and psychologically
4) How to overcome fear and gain confidence in your abilities
5) How to choose a model and what happens if the championship takes place in another country
6) Stratregy of countinng the points in Technical categories and Lash Art
6) Finally and most importantly, in my opinion, I will tell you what I as a judge consider the most common mistakes in championship extensions and how to avoid them.

Many lash artists including those who participated in lash extension competitions do not take any prizes. This happens because you need to be aware of many nuances, which will allow you to get the maximum number of points for your work. Sometimes as little as a single point can separate you from a prize-winning place, and proper evaluation of your own work together with the awareness of your strong and weak sides will help you step up your results.

All this you will learn in my course Eyelash Extension: How to become a Champion.

Before bringing the model you would have to show me the good quality photo of her natural lashes and a few portrait ones. Despite all the supplies to use on a training I provide, you still have to take your kit with you.
Training takes one full day until we finish with a live model, usually starting from 8 hours. Lunch is included.

I must say, this course will not be about the basics such as mixing curls, lengths, and thicknesses, the basics of coloring, speeding up your work or techniques of creating fans for volume extensions, and so forth. It is understood that you already know all this from basic and advanced lash extension courses. If you need this information, I invite you to sign up for the corresponding course and visit any of my master classes.

Price for LIVE eyelash extension training including supplies to use on a training: $799 CAD


For questions, please, message us using the contact form on the page below or our social networks.

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