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Cyanoacrylate alchemy (Cyanoacrylomicon) [En] [Ru]


[En] Cyanoacrylate alchemy (Cyanoacrylomicon)

C$ 1172.12, 1-week access to the platform with videos
Extend for C$ 36.00 / month, cancel any time

Welcome to Cyanoacrylomicon or “that-badass-book” with cyanoacrylate tricks for your further use.
I called this a “book” as this like any handwritten book is really something a bit personal for me: notes, researches, questions and answers… It has the theory and experience that interested me as a technician and a trainer and I am sure that this course will be revising with time as long as I will learn more. “Alchemy” part means the shroud of mystery and informational contradictions that cover this topic. Alchemists tried to make gold from lead or to create a philosophy stone, and we as lash artists are always in a search of a perfect glue and flawless retention.

At the moment the course contains 30 videos, main of them are adapted for people who never learned chemistry or had problems in studying it (like me), at the end there are a few advanced videos with more molecular details for the curious. BUT if you would like me to add any information that considers glues, retention or ingredients, please feel free to email me. It will be my pleasure to help! Feedback after completing the course is highly appreciated.

Click the button below to fill in the application, as soon as we get it you will receive your login details and purchase link to your email.

Have you ever thought about any of these:
– Are the glues really oil resistant? Main ingredients that make our glues work.
– How much marketing is behind this claim?
– Are coating liquids really needed or do they just make everything worse?
– Is it possible to have a glue with oils in the formulation?
– How exactly can cyanoacrylate be anti-allergic?
– Should you store the glue in the fridge or not?
– Do manufacturers lie about the lifetime of the glues?
– Is 2-months retention REAL?
– All about prep liquids
– Hormones and science behind our body and their effect on the glue
– Glue drop usable for 1-2 hours – is it possible?

Are you Intrigued? You’re welcome to join us!
For any questions – feel free to use the contact form below!

Here is the main outline of this course:
Cyanoacrylates and their types
Glue and ingredients – why glues are so different
Oil and water resistant glues formulation basics
Sensitive and non-toxic glues
Hidden, dangerous or strange ingredients in our glues
Is it allowed to wash eyelashes within 24 hrs and why?
Ideal studio conditions – Why my glue doesn’t work?
Chemistry behind polymerization
Glue storage
Fridge – Yey or Nay and why?
Glue vapors and our safety
Perfect Glue bonding power in action – 2 months retention solution!
Seasonal eyelash shed science
Supply contents: quality and features. Know your products!
Environment – not as easy as it seems
Inner and outer glue speeders
Sealant coating liquids – helpers or trash?
Cheat retention styling features
Homemade liquids – saline, soda mixture etc.
Glue marketing baits – are they edible?
…and much more!


STEP 2: Watch the test video on the login page! All our videos are of the same format, so if you can see the test video with no issues, you’ll be able to watch the training. Make sure you have appropriate device to watch the videos. Videos don’t run on iPhones as iPhones have some software limitations, but they have to run on any other device. The recommended browser – Mozilla Firefox.
STEP 3 Purchase the course Cyanoacrylate Alchemy. You will get 2 months access and will be able to extend the access for only 13 cad/mo. The videos will appear one by one, as soon as I will upload them (at least one video per day), so don’t worry if you don’t see any videos right after the purchase. You will also get access to my VIP videos and free videos to watch as well!


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#2 Is it allowed to wash eyelash extensions?

The topic about water free eyelash glue is still a point of contention. So do you still need to keep out of a swimming pool and shower after having eyelash extension done or not?

Fortunately with Angel Wings lash glue you CAN and you SHOULD wash your eyes every day and can do it right after the application.

There are still lots of older types of glue that have restrictions about getting your eyes wet or using oils. Unfortunately, even if the glue restricts you from getting your eyelash extensions wet, this restriction applies only for few hours or at maximum for a day.

Some clients roam the internet and find lots of misinformation about lash extension aftercare. Many people think that if they will not wash their eyes at all, the extensions will last longer or if they wash their eyes, they will lose or damage the extensions.

I believe it is technicians’ fault of not telling their clients about the proper aftercare of the lash extension. Just imagine. Our eyelashes are made to collect dirt and not to let it go inside the eye. But if you have extensions and put on makeup, most likely it is going to stick in between the lashes, creating oily and sticky substance that collects more dust and dirt from the air and sweat. If you do not wash out this “dirt burger”, it will become a delicious treat for the germs and parasites. So it is not only important to wash the lashes, but if you or your client cannot live without makeup, they should wash the lashes regularly to make sure there is no makeup residue left between makeup applications.

The best way to take care of lash extensions is to buy a special lash shampoo. Angel Wings foam cleanser comes in a foam form and will not hurt your eyes at all. Moreover, it does not only clean the lashes from dirt, but also removes some types of bacteria.
As the lash industry always develops, washing natural eyelashes before eyelash extension in many salons has become a regular part of the service. The same can be said about washing the extensions right after the procedure to reduce the chance of irritation if the client has sensitive eyes.