2019-05-18-canada montreal eyelash extension training championship preparation

Montreal, Canada, March 18, 2019

Champion preparation double training Place: Ukrainian Youth Association of Quebec 3260 Rue Beaubien E, Montréal, QC H1X 3C9 Price: 860 CAD (about 640 USD) Requirements for participants: – to have classic certification, volume certification is advisable – to take your working supplies as you would take for competition – to get a model for live…


Cyanoacrylate alchemy (Cyanoacrylomicon) [En] [Ru]

[En] Cyanoacrylate alchemy (Cyanoacrylomicon) C$ 1172.12, 1-week access to the platform with videos Extend for C$ 36.00 / month, cancel any time Welcome to Cyanoacrylomicon or “that-badass-book” with cyanoacrylate tricks for your further use. I called this a “book” as this like any handwritten book is really something a bit personal for me: notes, researches,…

Lash GLobal championship and conference event montreal

Championship preparation training

C$799.00, 6 months access. Extends for C$36.00 / month In the training you will know the general information how to prepare to the championship and how does it work. How to prepare to the exact championship you’re going to take part in. Plus any other championship preparation help for free in the Facebook Group! What…

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