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August 18-19 Classic and Volume training course Moncton, NB, Canada

Moncton eyelash extension training classic volume

Moncton eyelash extension training classic volume

– Individual training available (in Montreal, Canada). If it’s not a group I give you all my attention.
– I do my best to make you provide the best of your results starting the 1st day. I’ll stop you from making popular mistakes and won’t let them turn to habits.
– Worth every penny. Valuable training with a good specialist is the way to return and multiply the money spent in the nearest future, to put reasonably higher price for your own services.
– Mentoring. I want to be proud of my students so I’m always glad to help. I want to raise champions, especially as I’m an organizer of an International Championship myself. (new site 2019 –, you get access to the closed group where you can get all the answers after the training from me or your colleagues.
– I have a lot of experience as a technician, lash championship winner, an international judge, speaker and a trainer.


Advanced start classic training

is a basic knowledge you will need to start working as an eyelash technician.
My aim as a trainer here is to give you all the basics needed to avoid 99% of freshman’s mistakes and don’t spoil client’s lashes even if you’re total newbie.

INTENSIVE 10-12 hours

History of eyelash extension
Types of eyelash extension
Methods, techniques, styles of eyelash extension
Eye shapes
How to turn extensions to an instrument for reduction of eyes’ imperfections
The supplies:
– length and thickness
– curls
– types of glue
– other supplies
– allergy and how to defend from chemicals
– correct types of working with tweezers
Setting up comfort and safety of our working place:
(sanitary, light, comfort for technician and a client)
Contraindications to eyelash extension
Preparing the eye (makeup, lower lashes treatment)
Correct way of removing eyelashes
Frequent freshman’s mistakes and how to avoid them
Portfolio – what photos win the jackpot
Meeting a client:
– Natural eyelashes’ condition
– Types of eyes, practice
– Get a skill of reading your client’s mind!
Building a client base
Client types
Working with objections
Practicing on a live model from beginning to the end.

BONUS! Skill building in theory.
Сover the imperfections of your work. Usually it is:
* direction
* poor quality of work in the inner and outer corners
* distance from the eyelid
* perfect outline troubles
If you will have questions after gaining some experience, I’ll be glad to answer them in my Volume training, where you’ll know much more secrets to a flawless job or on my other training!

PRICE: 1510 CAD, classic kit included
Training day/place is only reserved after $210cad deposit, non-refundable after July 25. >>> PAY NOW <<<

Starter Kit includes:

  • 2 eyelash trays
  • 1 pair of classic tweezers
  • 1 pair of separation tweezers
  • 1 glue 5ml
  • jade stone
  • 10 under eye patches
  • 10 brushes
  • 10 micro brushes
  • 20 cleaning brushes
  • primer
  • remover

Volume & volume advanced training

is an advanced knowledge you will need to offer new qualitative, in-demand and valuable services of eyelash extension.
My aim as a trainer here is to give you all the basics needed to create flawless work, help you to find the right technique that will make you work faster and more productive.

1-DAY INTENSIVE 10-12 hours
(basic paragraphs):

Classic and volume – what’s the difference
Types of volume extensions
Methods and styles of extension
Scheme of volume eyelash extension (types, effects)
New effects in extensions
– correcting imperfections of a natural lash-line
Individual modeling of the shape of the eyes with volumes
Familiarity with the materials for the extension
Choosing perfect materials
– tweezers for volume
– glue -//-
– lashes -//-
– other helpful supplies
Features of working with the instruments and supplies
Proper preparation of the workplace (sanitation tools, lighting, convenience for the master and client)
Contraindications to volume eyelash extension
“Right” & “Wrong” in lash fans
Correction of volume extension
Careful removal of volume extensions
New technologies in extension
Secrets and tricks of “pure” extension
Practicing fans
Practice of the acquired knowledge on a model
Analysis of errors
Question – Answer

After a training I would like you to give me a detailed feedback! I want to know that my course’s information was understood by you and I helped you to get a better result!

PRICE: 1710 CAD, volume mini kit included
Training day/place is only reserved after $210cad deposit, non-refundable after July 25. >>> PAY NOW <<<

Volume starter kit:
– 2 eyelash trays
– 1 pair of volume tweezers
– 1 glue 5ml

You may pay the deposit here

For questions, please, message the organizer.