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Lash Global Championship & Conference May 2-3, 2018 in Montreal, Canada!

Lash Global Championship and conference Montreal Canada 2-3 may 2018

Lash global eyelash extension championship and conference 2018 Montreal canada


2-3 of May 2018 Canada will welcome International judges and lash celebrities on a greatest lash event of the year! Lash Global Championship and Conference!
We are really proud that Angel Wings will be the first representative of our industry to greet guests and participants from all over the world in Montreal, Canada!

We have place for over 270 participants in different nominations and categories



      • Juniors
      • Up to 1,5 years of lash making experience
      • Masters
      • 1.5-4 years of lash making without
        being a school or private lash trainer
      • Experts
      • 4 and more years of experience
        OR teaching status OR contest winners with
        more then 1 year of lash making experience

  • Nominations

    • Classic
      One artificial lash to one natural.
    • 2D Volume
      2 artificial lashes per one natural
    • 3D-5D Volume
      3-5 artificial lashes per one natiural
    • Mega Volume
      6 and more artificial lashes per one natural
      Not available for Juniors
    • Fantasy design
      Decorated eyelash extensions. Topic: Steampunk
    • Fantasy design Online
      Decorated eyelash extensions. Topic: Wild Tribal

All the information for participants soon will be available in the official website of the Championship here:


Why this kind of events become more and more popular all over the world and why so many people want to try themselves in this disciplines? I hope the article below will be informative for those who never took part in lash championships.

The Basic Information about Eyelash Extension Championships

Lash Championships are made to unite people in lash industry and are called upon greatly raise the quality of lash-makers’ work.

All championships have different categories for participants and different nominations. They can differ from one championship to another but in general they’re all similar. There are Junior category, Masters, Experts and sometimes more. Category depends on a working experience of the participant – years of trainer’s status.
Nominations are different too. There can be Classic, 2D (or sometimes 2-3D), 3-5D volume, Mega volume, Fantasy lash decoration and online competitions. Sometimes on lash championships there are brow nominations too. Every nominations is chargeable, but the more you take – the less you pay.


“I’m scared…”

Believe me, 99 out of 100 people are scared to take part in the championship. I was scared all the time. But that’s the point – you go there also to fight your fears and gain self-confidence, because you get a new level in the career anyway.

To make it more easy – just imagine – there are about 5 people for one cup (sometimes even less!), so if you prepare, take training, try to be a tiny bit better and more confident – you have more chances!


The process

First of all and the most important is to read the conditions of the competition. Often in technical nominations there is a difference from what you do every day for your clients, but you have to follow main criteria. The winner gets more points and points you get from following the criteria. Use creativity, but don’t get too much over the main technical requirements.


A place for creativity and originality

In Fantasy lash decoration nomination the most important parts are originalty of the idea, complexity of a decoration, Integrity of the image. There are also additional criteria: hair styling, make-up, costume etc. It requires high professionalism too. To earn more points you’d need to get ready on all this items.

If you’re not skillful enough in hairdressing or makeup it’s better to find a team of skillful specialists. Crating the whole image is a very demanding work and victory will depend on your ability to work in a team.


Technical nominations

In Classic nomination there are also such things to get points like general impression too so be careful to choose the right effect to your model. Among other criteria there are  “glued natural eyelashes”, “cleanliness of work”, “contact surface”, “volume”, “eye modeling”, “symmetry” and an important assessment of the technique (“distance from the eyelid”, “direction”, “smooth outline”). If you’re not familiar with this criteria to a championship there are special training where your trainer will explain in details all the criteria requirements and will show right and wrong in other’s and maybe your work.

One of the important moments that greatly influences your victory is your model.  Your model has to be perfect – a beautiful woman with nice strong not too thick eyelashes, interesting slit, comfortable natural curl etc.
Some participants get surprised when know about this requirements, but think of it from another side – you’ll never see a model in makeup with a bad skin condition or a hair stylist’s model with damaged hair. Here it’s the same, people have to see all the beauty of your work and the best of your skill to create extensions.

The judges are usually more loyal to junior participants as they don’t have a lot of experience, although with high competition there may be more rigorous selection. Anyway with healthy nerves and good preparation you can do a tidy job.

In Volume extensions sometimes there are limitations in participant’s experience. In Lash Global Championship Juniors are not allowed to take part in Mega Volume eyelash extension. The choice is more strict. You have to make accurate fans (no pre-made fans allowed) but despite you have more time then in Classic, to make a flawless work under stress, put a fan on every lash can make only a qualified experienced technician.

After a special before-championship training and a stressful limited in time work on a championship even those who couldn’t make a qualitative and fast work before accelerate and make a better quality work. Even one championship greatly changes you and your lashing for the better.



Lash championship is a great chance to fight your fears and know for sure what are your strong and weak sides, accelerate your work and enhance your status as a lash-maker in your city. You’ll meet a lot of people of lash industry not only from your city or country but from all over the world!

Even if the participant does not become a winner, he will for sure learn not only to speak in public, but also to behave more concentrated under any extreme circumstances. The competition provides an opportunity to adequately estimate competitiveness, analyze not only your skills, but also the skills of the winner, plan further training, understand what was is missing on the way to success. It is always possible to consult the judge about possible mistakes and work on them.
For organizers of the competitions it is an event of a great importance, maybe even more than for the participants themselves. The development of a new industry, which is becoming even more popular, thanks to competitions, the identification of promising and talented masters both among professionals and juniors, gives the opportunity to proudly call the work of a lash-maker a prestigious profession.

For the winner the competition is the title and reward from the organizers and sponsors, a solid addition of confidence and popularity among colleagues and customers, a rise in career one step higher and many unique and profitable offers from large companies.

To start your path to victory the main thing is to find the courage to try your hand, not coming up with an excuse for workload, lack of finance, time, etc. Consult an expert, simple advice from professionals takes a little time. If there is an opportunity to pass training one or more days from a qualified specialist who has experience in this matter – use it (our eyeelash training info you can find here). Pay attention to the selection of models for the contest, very carefully and meticulously take this choice. Track the time of your full set from start to finish, then according to the criteria analyze the errors and work out. Work out to automatism in order to prevent any situation that can knock you out of balance and clarity. Believe me, nobody has ever managed to lose with the ideal work or to win with a bad quality work and an inharmonious image of the model.

You have to pay attention to all the details. It happens that there is a big competition and because of the slightest, smallest imperfections  you  don’t get only one piont that distances you from a winning place. BUT in these cases the judges and organizers try to praise this people somehow.

If you have at least a drop of talent you won’t leave unnoticed and if you think it already had happened you have to improve yourself, add patience, information from training, use help and work out.

If you keep trying your efforts you won’t leave without your reward no matter if it’s a winning place on a championship, financial independence or  general acceptance.