CatFight Eyelash Extension Championship (CFC) online!

CatFight #5-7 has been created by the organizers to reveal the most talented lash artists from around the Globe from the comfort of their homes! No more worries about getting a lash model! There are trophies and prizes to be given away from our sponsors. All winners will be published in The Lash Global Magazine. We hope you will enjoy playing CFC with us!
And let the strongest contestant win!


Cat Fight Eyelash Extension Championship


  • Strip Lash Art
  • Sponge Lash Art
  • Fantasy Head Lash Art

– All category winners will get cups for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place (9 cups total)

– Grand prix cup and medal will be given to a participant took part in all 3 categories, and with maximum points total for all works sent. In case of multiple entries for the same category only the best work in each category will be counted.

– The best and chosen works will be published in Lash Global Magazine

– The winners will get presents from our judges and sponsors



We accept works till September 1

Final scores with the results will be ready on September 15, 2020, Montreal time



One category 35 48.83 55.06 32
Two categories 45 62.78 70.79 41.13
Three categories 55 76.73 86.52 50.27
Each additional work (entry) in one category 15 20.93 23.6 13.71

Price may vary a little depending on the Canadian Dollar course

After June 15 no payments will be refunded!

Creating an order below make sure your shipping address is correct, we do not take responsibility for the accuracy of this info.

IMPORTANT! To get FREE prize shipping in case you win, use code CFCHAMP, in Shipping press Calculate shipping and choose Free shipping.



▶ The work performed must be new and made specially for current CatFight competition. Photos should not be published in social media or anywhere else public before September 15, 2020

▶ Any paid quantity of entries from one participant per category is accepted. If a few entries place in the same category from one participant, only the best entry gets the cup

▶ Pre-made fans may be used only as a part of decoration

▶ It’s up to the Participant to choose thetopic of their Lash Art

▶ It’s up to the Participant to choose the length, curve, thickness, and manufacturer of the lash extensions. Picking their preferred manufacturer and consistency of the glue is up to the Participant. The Participant may choose the aesthetic effect (i.e. cat eye, doll, etc.) at their own discretion.

▶ All the work will be judged following the master level quality requirements

▶ Only good quality photos with preserved details and good light are required. Cropping is allowed. If you send wrong or bad quality photos, judges will not be able to evaluate the quality of your work and you will get low scores.
Additionally: at least 2000 pixels by smaller side is recommended: long press on picture on phone or right click on image on computer – Properties. It should show the vertical and horisointal size. Minimal number should be at least 2000px. 4000 and over at best.

▶ Retouching for competition photos will lead to disqualification. We have our ways to find that out

▶ Please do not combine a few photos into one, do not add any logos or watermarks

▶ You can send additional retouched photos separately; they will not be sent to judges, but will be used for publication if any

▶ Competition photos send to with the title:

Catfight [your-category]: [Your Name]

▶ Additional non-competition photos send to the same address with the title:

Catfight no-contest photos by [Your Name]




  • Practice Strip Lashes are to be decorated with black/colored lashes and mini decoration. No specific topic
  • The work must fit the common lash tray
  • If there are any brand marks on the tray you must remove it or stick there a piece of white paper to cover any brand marks
  • No other objects must present on the competition photos except of the work itself


You may submit a minimum of 5 photos | maximum of 8 photos:

  • Finished set of lashes on the strip lash without decorations on a plain background (1 photo)
  • Finished set of lashes with decorations on a plain background (1 photo)
  • Right & Left Close-up shots (2 photos)
  • Finished set of lashes with decorations in a closed tray (1 photo)
  • Your favorite photo (optional up to 3 photos, may contain a photo of work in progress or on a specific background)



  • General impression (0-10 points)
  • Cleanliness (0-10 points)
  • Technique (0-10 points)
  • Lash coloring (0-10 points)
  • Complexity of styling (0-10 points)
  • Complexity of decoration (0-10 points)
  • Quantity of decoration elements (0-10 points)
  • Originality and innovation (0-10 points)





  • On a flat makeup sponge create a Presentation made with lash extensions and additional decoration. No specific topic
  • Sponge-base characteristics: round or rectangle, size up to 5.5 cm diameter or max side length for rectangle, 0.3 – 1 cm height, any color
  • Use of colorants and paint is allowed
  • Lash extension in any fashion should take up the largest space/volume of all presentation. Most of your presentation should consist of lash extensions
  • No other objects must present on the competition photos except of the work itself


You may submit a minimum of 3 photos | maximum of 8 photos:

  • Finished Presentation with decorations on a plain background from different angles (3 photos)
  • Your favorite photo (optional up to 5 photos, may contain a photo of work in progress or on a specific background)



  • General impression (0-10 points)
  • Cleanliness (0-10 points)
  • Lash coloring (0-10 points)
  • Complexity of decoration (0-10 points)
  • Quantity of decoration elements (0-10 points)
  • Originality and innovation (0-10 points)





• You may use your old practice mannequin head and transform it in to an art! If you don’t have a practice mannequin head, you may also use a Styrofoam Head to complete this task. No specific topic
• Apply an already made lash art using a strip lash on to the mannequin head and start decorating!
• You may use any form of fantasy lash art with any theme you may want.


You may submit a minimum of 5 photos | maximum of 5 photos:

  • Right and Left Close-up photos of lashes on the mannequin head. (2 Photos)
  • Full Head Photo (1 Photo)
  • Optional: You may submit 2 more of your favourite photos (2 Photos)



  • General impression (0-10 points)
  • Cleanliness (0-10 points)
  • Lash coloring (0-10 points)
  • Complexity of decoration (0-10 points)
  • Quantity of decoration elements (0-10 points)
  • Originality and innovation (0-10 points)



▶ After receiving your photos, we will email you with the confirmation within 2 business days. Please add to white list so our email doesn’t trap to spam

▶ On August 15 we will announce the winners in CatFight Facebook group

▶ All scores and comments will be sent to the participants by email request to

▶ Cups and presents will be shipped to the winners to the address mentioned in the initial payment at our earliest possibility. If there are any changes in your shipping address, make sure you notify us between now and August 20, 2020. After that time we do not take responsibility of your presents and awards

▶ Certificates for the winners and participants will be sent as a link to download and fill in with your name

▶ For all questions feel free to contact us at

▶ The organizers reserve the right to amend or modify these rules at any time

▶ Taking part in CatFight #5-7 you agree that all materials sent for this competition may be used by the organizers of CatFight #5-7 for advertising or educational purposes



Elder lashes
Geometry Glam Lash Art portrait
Half-a-face (Lash Art portrait)
Decoration madness (Lash Art Portrait)
J-styling “Rebel”
Platinum by Natalia Kramskaya
Lash Art Fantasy Portrait: food
Lash Art Portrait: architecture