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Lash Global Magazine
We are happy to announce that our magazine is going through some amazing changes:
1) We issue magazine now 3 times a year instead of 2!
2) More pages! Almost 2 times more pages (about 100 or more) are planned in further issues!
3) From April we add world parts into the magazine to make it more convenient to realize that we are really GLOBAL!
4) More articles! Isn’t it amazing that there will be more educational content inside, eh?
5) Lash event accented. Schedule of the best events live and online to attend, winner’s works to see the best international skills and many more!
6) Subscription ability. No more waiting or catching the new issue: subscribe once and the fresh print will arrive to your door as soon as we get it!

We really would like to make our magazine a Lash “National Geographic”, where you’ll be able to find both nice pictures and amazing info as well as lash news from all over the globe!